The software solutions developed by DataRiver for the Pharmaceutical sector combine the most advanced technologies in the fields of Industrial IoT, Big Data Integration, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning enabling Managers, Commercial Managers, Production Managers, Logistics Managers, Quality Managers and Safety Officers to improve the quality and safety of products, optimize production processes and strategic decisions, make accurate future predictions.
By integrating and analysing the Big Data produced by machines, you can monitor production lines and warehouses in real time, learn from experience so as to implement predictive maintenance policies, reduce both energy consumption and production costs.
The integration with external data sources such as Market Analysis, Social Networks, Open Data and geographic data enhance your understanding of company data and helps you compare them with market data, socio-economic data, and competitor-related data.
The Semantic Search solutions let you optimize the surveillance activities of medical devices by providing advanced tools for searching and analyzing adverse events, performing cross-sectional searches on institutional or company security databases, scientific literature and social media.


Case studies


MCRee Turkey: a prediction tool based on statistical treatment of clinical Big Data