Semantic Search

Semantic search with Voice Assistants and ChatBot

The solutions for Semantic Search allow you to easily obtain the desired information by doing cross-sectional searches on File Systems, Cloud Systems, Database, ERP, CRM, Websites, Social Networks and public databases (Open Data). The semantic annotation of documents and data allows you to take full advantage of the capabilities of Voice Assistants and ChatBot and to develop graphical interfaces for browsing the ontology.

Who is it for

Production and service companies of all production sectors

Semantic search solutions enable Managers, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Human Resources Managers, IT Managers and Security Officers in the areas of Consulting Services and Facility Management, Global Services, Biomedical, Pharmaceutics, Ceramics, Mechanics and Logistics, to gain the following competitive advantages:
• Research effectively on different business systems
• Compare internal information with those of competitors and with market trends
• Enrich the information inside the company with those available on the web and on external applications
• Monitor their “brands” on the various information channels

Public Administrations and institutions on a local, national and international level

The solutions for semantic research enable Senior Administrative Officials and Managers of Public Administrations, such as Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, National and Local Agencies, Consortiums, to gain the following advantages:
• Research effectively on the various systems available to the institution
• Enrich the information inside the institution with those available on the web and on external applications
• Monitor social, environmental and health phenomena on the various information channels

Semantic Analysis

Automatic indexing of contents

Semantic analysis of the contents of websites, documents and data in the various sources for conceptual categorization and personalized indexing of contents. This type of analysis makes it possible to customize the ranking of the search engine results according to the frequency of the relevant concepts within the documents.


Semantic search

Similar or related concepts

Semantic search of contents through voice interfaces, ChatBot and graphical interfaces for browsing the network of concepts in documents. Searching for a specific concept (instead of a keyword) and finding documents that contain similar or related concepts can be undertaken through semantic search.


Geographic Search

Advanced search functionality

The Geographic search enables you to select on a map relevant geographical areas contained in documents, web pages and data. There are also tools for advanced search that are thematically-based or user-customized. The Multilingual search function offers you the possibility t of finding documents in English through a search in Italian and vice versa.



Case studies


Energy Efficiency: a Semantic Search Engine for information on energy efficiency



Semantic Search Engine with Voice Assistant and ChatBot helping you easily acquire the desired information contained in File Systems, Cloud Systems, ERP, CRM, Websites and Social Networks


MOMIS enables you to obtain a clear and immediate view of company data through the virtual integration of company information systems with external data sources such as Market Analysis, Social Networks, Open Data and geographical data