The Company

The Municipality of Bologna has always directed its attention to e-government and in particular to the world of Open Data. By using technologies and innovative methods, the Municipality promotes a culture of transparency in public administration.


The Challenge

Designing and developing a tool that allows the integration and monitoring of work-related public data:
• By integrating work-related data from linked but heterogeneous sources: ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics), INPS (Italian Social Security Service), Union Camere, International Labor Organization
• Through a Big data analytics functionality applied to the collected open data
• by providing new KPIs and conversion into open format (csv, rdf) and by creating a SPARQL endpoint that enables access to and querying of new published data


The solution

Open Data Jobs

Designing and developing the Open Data Jobs web application for the analysis and monitoring of public data (Open Data) related to the labor market in the Municipality of Bologna:
• Integrating heterogeneous public databases (Open Data) to provide a unified and homogeneous view of work-related information
• Implementig a dashboard with Key Indicators (KPIs) that concisely represent information through charts and dynamic tables and Location Intelligence
• Forecasting based on statistical and hierarchical information ranging from the international landscape (European Union) to the local situation (Municipality of Bologna).
• Evaluating the correlations between the level of schooling and job placement, on a historical basis



• A tool accessible to all that enabling an instant view of work-related KPIs
• A historical analysis of trends in the labour market
• Visualization of new KPIs linking data on education, labour, pensions and salaries
• A customizable real-time reporting
• Comparing the reality of the city of Bologna with that of other cities both at national and European level made possible