The Company

The Italian Lymphoma Foundation (FIL) develops research projects with the aim of improving the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma and building a scientific, organizational and legal groundwork by creating a common line among the 150 Italian centers and the international entities engaged in this research field.


The Challenge

Designing and developing the Clinical Trials Monitoring Tool web and mobile platform for clinical research, featuring:
• Data integration of over 30 clinical studies distributed on 5 different software platforms installed at research centers
• A continuous and real-time monitoring of enrollment and clinical data entered through a unified view of the information collected on a single platform
• Big Data Analytics functionalities for the collected clinical data


The solution

Clinical Trials Monitoring Tool

Designing and developing a web and mobile platform, based on MOMIS, the open source system for the virtual data integration, that enables viewing and monitoring clinical trial data without tampering with the sources while maintaining visibility restrictions according to the type of user.
The Clinical Trials Monitoring Tool Web Platform enables you to:

• search and filter heterogeneous and distributed data and to display them on aggregated tables, graphs and maps
• monitor the progress and trends of aggregate data
• export reports in Microsoft Excel and PDF formats

The Clinical Trials Monitoring Tool was adopted by FIL as a unified monitoring and reporting tool for over 30 clinical trials distributed across 5 different software platforms.



• Optimization of monitoring processes of enrollment of clinical trials
• Unified, clear and personalized view of clinical data based on different user roles for researchers and sponsors
• Advanced research capabilities across all the clinical studies performed
• Real-time reporting tailored to the different user roles for researchers and sponsors