The Company

Leading company in the molding of plastic materials


The Challenge

Design and development of a web and mobile platform for Industry 4.0:
• collecting and managing Big Data related to production lines
• continuous and real-time monitoring of energy consumption and of possible production line malfunctions
• analyzing energy consumption to implement “energy saving” policies
• analyzing how machinery functions to implement predictive maintenance policies


The solution

Web Platform and Mobile Energy Monitor

Design and development of a web and mobile platform for industry 4.0 that ensures the continuous collection and monitoring of energy consumption and the operating parameters of the machines installed on the production lines (Energy Monitor), within the production plant.

The Web Energy Monitor platform allows:
• the collection and management of Big Data relating to energy consumption and the correct functioning of production lines
• continuous and real-time monitoring of energy consumption
• historical analysis of energy consumption to optimize consumption and implement “energy saving” policies
• real-time monitoring of possible production line malfunctions
• historical analysis of operating machinery’s data to both optimize maintenance and implement predictive maintenance policies



• Improvement in the quality of products and production processes through both the integration and analysis of machinery-generated Big Data
• Optimization of energy consumption and reduction of production costs by implementing “energy saving” policies
• Optimization of production line maintenance realized with timely operational status alerts
• Reduction of production costs due to the reduction of unexpected failures and malfunctions